Skills of Management

on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Robert L. Katz in 1970 showed that every manager requires a minimum of three basic skills. These three skills are: 

1.     Conceptual skills
Mental abilities to coordinate and integrate all interests and activities of the organization. Upper-level managers (top manager) must have the skills to make the concepts, ideas, and ideas for the betterment of the organization. Ideas or the ideas and concepts must then be translated into action plans to realize the idea or concept. The process of elaboration of the idea into a concrete plan of work is usually referred to as the planning process or planning. Therefore, conceptual skills are also a great skill to create a work plan. Conceptual skills require an ability to understand the degree of complexity in a given situation and to reduce that complexity to a level at which specific courses of action can be derived. Examples of situations that require conceptual skills include the passage of laws that affect hiring patterns in an organization, a competitor's change in marketing strategy, or the reorganization of one department which ultimately affects the activities of other departments in the organization.

Example: in a company have the financial statements in some specified period. This report shows the level of corporate performance. Based on these reports, a manager must find ways to overcome losses in the next period. Was supposed to get the maximum benefit, without having to spend too much.
2.      Skills relate to other people (skills humanity)

In addition to conceptual capabilities, managers also need to be equipped with the skills to communicate or relate to the skills of others, also called human skill. Communication skills are required, both at the level of top management, middle, and bottom. Human skills involve the ability to work with, motivate, and direct individuals or groups in the organization whether they are subordinates, peers, or superiors. Human skills, therefore, relate to the individual’s expertise in interacting with others in a way that will enhance the successful completion of the task at hand. Some human skills that are often necessary for managers to display are effective communication (writing and speaking), creation of a positive attitude toward others and the work setting, development of cooperation among group members, and motivation of subordinates.

 Example: in accordance with the functions of managers, who manage and supervise. Managers should always communicate with subordinates, to avoid a missed communication. Likewise, when an employee has a problem that affects the work, it must be solved by doing approach and provide positive motivation to maintain the company's operations performed.

 3.    Technical skills
Ability to use the equipment, procedures or techniques of a particular field. These skills are generally provisions for managers at lower levels. Technical skills is the ability to perform certain jobs, such as using computer programs, improve the engine, making chairs, accounting and others. Technical skills are those abilities that are necessary to carry out a specific task. Examples of technical skills are writing computer programs, completing accounting statements, analyzing marketing statistics, writing legal documents, or drafting a design for a new airfoil on an airplane. Technical skills are usually obtained through training programs that an organization may offer its managers or employees or may be obtained by way of a college degree. Indeed, many business schools throughout the country see their role as providing graduates with the technical skills necessary for them to be successful on the job.

Human skills can be developed through an understanding of human and group behavior. Conceptual skills can be developed through knowledge of the various factors that influence organizational activities. Both human and conceptual skills rest on information gathering, reflection, and critical analysis. Such skills are not developed through intuition. Rather, development of human and conceptual skills is enhanced by establishing a framework that will enable a manager to identify and respond to various factors that affect a given situation.

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Levels of Management

on Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

To achieve the goal within a company, it needs good management in running the company with maximum performance. Management process carried out by a manager. The manager is someone who works through others to coordinate and be responsible for their activities in order to achieve organizational goals. Can be interpreted that the function of management is to do as the characteristics of tasks to be performed on the company to achieve the goal, or it can be said as well, management functions are functions that must be done in the field of management.
The role of a manager who is given not only focus on operating profit or company to be acquired but also the role of inter-personal, involving the people and other obligations, the ceremonial and symbolic. This role includes a role as a figure for men, the leader, and liaison. The second is the role of information, including the manager's role as monitors and disseminators of information, as well as the role as spokesman. The third is the decision-making roles, including roles as an entrepreneur, problem solver, resource agent, and negotiator. Managers have limits on what authority he led, so that the management process can be well organized.
1)                         Management first line, also known as the operational management terms, is the lowest level in charge of directing and overseeing the management of non-managerial employees involved in the production process. They are often called supervisors (supervisors), shift manager, area manager, office manager, department manager, or foreman (foreman). The first line management has an important role in the organization's business processes. Faced with diverse subordinates, behaviors, and perceptions, making the first-line managers should be "reliable team leader", how the goals and interests of the organization and subordinate satisfaction is achieved. Supervisors as first-line managers can not be separated from its role to leverage innovation. Generally, innovation does not just happen, the role of supervisors to develop, facilitate and provide encouragement for creativity in work.

Example: when there is conflict among employees as the leader of the direct operations of the employer must be a mediator who can solve the problem. So that no conflict is prolonged, thus inhibiting the company's operational.

2)                         Middle management, which covers all the management of first-line managers and top management and served as a liaison between of the both. Positions that including middle management are head of division, project leader, plant manager, or division manager. Middle managers supervise and direct the activities of line managers. The middle managers also referred to as the head of the department manager.

Example: Marketing director evaluates to his supervisor every week, if there is a shortage or a problem that can potentially harm the hotel shall be made to the General Manager to be dealt with directly, as in case of manipulated accounting income hotel bystaff. The general manager must know directly through the mid-level managers.

3)                         Top management, also known as the term executive officer. Fill out the planning activities and general corporate strategy and direct the course of the company. Responsibility of top managers is the overall performance and effectiveness of the company. Upper-level managers to develop policies, decisions and strategies that apply in general to the company. top management to put the individual as a partner organization to create and convey his ideas to him. Top management must be open to hear and learn it. Here's top management not only encourages individual management and employees to create ideas, but ask and want proof of whether the idea of ​​a practical, realistic, and effective. In other words, whether viewed in terms of technique and financially feasible to implement the ideas and developed.

Example: General Manager of the company's strategy has always planned to continue to optimize revenue and corporate goals, such as doing a job with another company or to evaluate the performance of the company to keep the company remains stable

According to some views expressed above, it can be concluded that there are five management functions as follows: planning, organizing, directing, and supervisory

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Everything can be "Nothing"

on Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
 Pada suatu hari di suatu pulau terdapat 4 benda abstrak, yaitu kekayaan, kbahagiaan, kecantikan dan waktu. Saat itu sedang terjadi badai besar, yang mengakibatkan pulau tersebut terkena banjir hebat.
Semua benda itu lari tunggang langgang, menyelamatkan diri mereka masing-masing. tapi disitu, hanya sang cinta yang sedang sibuk mencari pertolongan, dia tidak bisa menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri. sedangkan 4 benda yang lain dapat menyelamatkan diri dengan menggunakan perahu mereka. pertama, kekayaan lewat dihadapan sang cinta menggunakan perahunya. Cinta berkata kepada kekayaan, "tolonglah aku". kekayaan berkata, "aku tidak bisa menolongmu, perahuku sudah penuh dengan kekayaanku. perahuku tidak akan kuat bila kau ikut denganku ...Cinta kecewa, tak lama kemudian kebahagiaan datang dengan perahunya.. Cinta pun berkta hal yang sama, "tolonglah aku". tetapi kebahagiaan tidak menanggapinya, dia terus melewati cinta.. dia merasa bahagia karena bisa menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri. Cinta benar-benar kecewa.
Semakin lama, air bah membanjiri pulau. cinta berada dalam kesulitan. Lumpur mengenai tubuhnya, dia menjadi sangat kotor. Kemudian datang kecantikan melewati cinta dengan perahunya. cinta memohon pertolongan pada kecantikan, "tolonglah aku". kecantikan berkata," aku tidak bisa membawamu dengan perahuku, tubuhmu kotor penuh lumpur dan lumpur itu juga akan mengotori perahuku, dan akan merusak kecantikan ku". Kecantikan pun terus mendayung melewatinya, cinta smakin psrah.disaat yang sama, ada yang berkata "cinta, naiklah ke perahuku. Ikutlah denganku, aku akan menyelamatkanmu". tanpa berpikir lama cinta naik keatas perahu tersebut. Cinta merasa senang karena ada yang menyelamatkannya, karena kelelahan akhirnya dia pun tertidur.
dengan menaiki perahu tersebut cukup lama, mereka tiba di suatu pulau lain yang tidak jauh dengan pulau sebelumnya. mereka pun memisahkan diri. namun ada yang terlupakan, cinta belum mengenal benda abstrak yang telah menolongnya . dia segera mencari tahu dan bertanya kepada seseorang, "apakah kau tahu siapa yang baru saja berangkat menggunakan perahunya? dia yang telah menyelamatkan aku tdi?". orang itu menjawab, "dialah sang wktu." setelah mengetahuinya, cinta merasa sangat senang dan berharap dapat bertemu kembali... .

"Hanya WAKTU yang bisa yang bisa memahami, seberapa besar artinya CINTA".

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Cases on Management

on Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Understanding The Meaning of Management

            Process management is a activity, controlling, organizing and planning the construction of a pattern for the achievement of goals through the use of resources and activities of others with the supervision and guidance by offender management. Management is indispensable in a wide range of things. Ranging from managing yourself to how to manage companies and even countries. If there is no management activity, the disorganized will be always happen. Evenless, to obtain a goal without management that can be impossible. That’s why process management is necessary. A very simple example is when in public transportation terminal there is no controlling in and out access of vehicles makes total traffic jam. It is a effect of drivers who vie each other  to get out. That is the way disorganized will appears if theres no controlling.
Sometimes, although the management activity has been carry  out some companies ever get internal problems. From individual level, groups until units level or from a minor problem even a big problems. A minor problem such a matter of personal quarrels among employees up to the big one such different views on business strategy in the management.  Internal cases which are not immediately resolved will have serious consequences and even threaten the company into bankruptcy. Examples: labor strikes or demonstrations.
The factors of case conditions (Robbins, Sthepen ,2003, Organization Behaviour):
-          Must be felt by all relevant parties
-          It is a problem of perception
-          There is opposition or incompatibility of goals, differences in interpretation of fact, disagreement on expectations of behavior
-          negative interaction
-          there are ranks of cases of violence

By Baden  Eunson (Conflict Management, 2007, adapted), there are various types of cases:
-          The case of vertical between levels of hierarchy, such as between top management and middle management, middle management and supervisors, and supervisors and subordination
-          The case of horizontal, which occurs between people who work at the same hierarchical level within the company.
-          The case between the staff lines, which occur between people who have different tasks
-          The case of the role of misconceptions about what should be done by someone.

Example for case of management

            In the hotel will not be separated from the washing process. Both the dirty laundry of the hotel itself in the form of  linens as well as from guests request who stay in the hotel. That's the routines that do the laundry department. Handling with a lot of dirty laundry to process everyday. Besides having to deal with guest laundry services, demand for clean linens always have to ready to use, ranging from restaurants, room section, kitchen and engineering department or even employee uniforms dirty should also be addressed as well. At a high occupancy rate, load the dirty laundry will also increase. That is what will be a burden for the Laundry Department. All the washing process should be conducted on a regular basis. If not immediately resolved, the dirty laundry will pile up and result in a lack of stock of linen, such as: linens, napkins, tablecloths, pillowcases and others. Even the uniforms of employees could have a dirty neglected. Those all that cause problems between the department and can occur in a verbal confrontation. A bigger problem, which has stayed the guests will feel uncomfortable with the services provided so that the image of the hotel declined and reduced performance.

To be done for a laundry department manager:
  1. Applying the method of handling dirty laundry that will be processed. So, to minimize the drawbacks that will occur if the high occupancy rate. Such as: calculate how much linen dirty or will be washed in accordance with sections that need to be
  2. Establish rules for employees to return or uniform dirty on time. So there is no delay in the process of washing or excessive buildup of dirty uniforms
  3. Set up a schedule for employees more accurate estimate based on forcest of room occupancy in the following day
  4. Adding daily workers
  5. Always coordinate the flow of dirty linen regularly

Application of appropriate management will make it easier for the company in achieving its goals. Referring to the planning and management of resources have been established, but there must always be increasing the effectiveness and efficiency


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