Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Receptionist

on Minggu, 27 November 2011
Tugas seorang receptionist hotel adalah :

1. Menyambut setiap tamu tamu hotel dengan ramah
2. Menjawab telepon berkaitan dengan informasi akan hotel tersebut
3. Memberi bantuan petunjuk akan lokasi tempat yang diminta kepada para pengunjung hotel
4. Memberikan informasi berkaitan dengan hotel kepada para pengunjung hotel
5. Mencatat daftar pengunjung hotel berkaitan dengan check in & check out
6. Data entry akan informasi tamu hotel
7. Mencatat berbagai informasi yg diperlukan oleh hotel seperti check in check out reservasi dll
8. Menyortir surat surat yang masuk ke hotel baik kertas maupun elektronik
9. Memberikan citra + image hotel yg baik dan ramah serta profesional
10. Memberikan bantuan kepada setiap pengunjung hotel bila diperlukan
11. Mengamati & melaporkan aktivitas pengunjung hotel yang mencurigakan bila diperlukan
12. Bagi receptionist shift malam, ada kemungkinan besar dituntut untuk mampu mengerjakan night auditing dimana ketika malam tiba, receptionist bisa juga bertugas :
- Sebagai petugas keamanan di malam hari
- Mengurus check in check out di waktu malam
- Menerima telepon di malam hari
- Menerima panggilan tamu hotel akan kebutuhan room service
- Menjadi bellboy
- Mengaudit guest ledger
- Memasang pengumuman mengenai room rate + room tax hari itu kepada setiap guest folio (account tamu) di tengah malam (biasa menjelang subuh jam 2 dini hari)
- Memasang or mengganti room rate + room tax buat esok yang dilakukan malam hari
- Mengecek akurasi beban biaya kepada account tamu hotel
- Mengurus pemesanan hotel di malam hari
- Mengurus komplain tamu hotel di malam hari (tepatnya menampung komplain tamu hotel buat   disampaikan kepada yg atasan di pagi harinya)
- Koordinasi kebutuhan housekeeping di malam hari
- Mengatasi berbagai situasi darurat yg mungkin terjadi di malam hari
- Mengurusi kebutuhan tamu hotel di malam hari (memesan taxi, mencarikan barang keperluan tamu atau escort girl, dll)


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Main Duties of Receptionist (Online College: Ms. Hardini)

on Selasa, 22 November 2011
Deskripsi Pekerjaan Receptionist/ Front Desk Agent (FDA)

> Area kerja Receptionist/ Front Desk Agent (FDA) : front desk

  Ringkasan pekerjaan Receptionist/ Front Desk Agent (FDA) : menangani registrasi tamu, memberikan pelayanan sebelum tamu menginap serta menangani check-out tamu beserta pembayarannya. Atasan langsung Receptionist/ Front Desk Agent (FDA) : FO Supervisor

Tugas pokok Receptionist/ Front Desk Agent (FDA) :
• Menyambut tamu yang datang di front desk dengan ramah dan sopan.
• Melakukan pendaftaran tamu
• Mencatat uang deposit tamu untuk menginap
• Menangani tamu check-out
• Melayani penukaran mata uang asing ke mata uang lokal
• Memasukkan tamu yang sudah check-in dalam satu laporan harian.
• Menghitung dan bertanggung jawab atas uang transaksi selama staff tersebut bertugas pada hari tersebut.

Referensi :http://repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/27483/4/Chapter%20II.pdf

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Strategic Planning and Operational Planning

on Jumat, 11 November 2011

A. Strategic planning 

It is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people.
In order to determine where it is going, the organization needs to know exactly where it stands, then determine where it wants to go and how it will get there. The resulting document is called the "strategic plan."
While strategic planning may be used to effectively plot a company's longer-term direction, one cannot use it to reliably forecast how the market will evolve and what issues will surface in the immediate future. Therefore, strategic innovation and tinkering with the "strategic plan" have to be a cornerstone strategy for an organization to survive the turbulent business climate.
Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an organization's future course. All strategic planning deals with at least one of three key questions:
  1. "What do we do?"
  2. "For whom do we do it?"
  3. "How do we excel?"
In business strategic planning, some authors phrase the third question as "How can we beat or avoid competition?" (Bradford and Duncan, page 1). But this approach is more about defeating competitors than about excelling.
In many organizations, this is viewed as a process for determining where an organization is going over the next year or—more typically—3 to 5 years (long term), although some extend their vision to 20 years.

B. Operational Planning

It Is a plan that focuses on the planning of tactical plans to achieve operational objectives. Developed by middle-level and lower-level managers, the operational plan has a short-term focus and relatively more narrow scope. Each operational plans in connection with a series of small activities.
It describes short-term business strategies; it explains how a strategic plan will be put into operation (or what portion of a strategic plan will
be addressed) during a given operational period (fiscal year). An operational plan is the basis for and justification of an annual operating budget request. Therefore, a strategic plan that has a five-year lifetime would drive five operational plans funded by five operating budgets

operational planning is divided into : 
- Disposable plan: developed to carry out a series of actions that can not be repeated in future

  Programs: the plan used for a series of major

  Project activities: a disposable plan to narrow the scope and less complex than the program

- The plan remains: developed for repetitive activity on a regular basis over a period of time

   Policy: Plan detailing responses remain common organization for the problem or situation

   Standard operating procedures: fixed plan outlining the steps to be followed in certain situations

   Rules and regulations: fixed a plan that describes exactly how the specific activities undertaken

Why Is an Operational Plan Important?
An Operational Plan ensures you can successfully implement your Action and Monitoring plans by getting your team to:
• Prepare your project to raise funds, being clear about how you will get the resources (see Step 3.2) and arming you with a convincing plan to review with existing and potential donors.
• Use resources efficiently, to help allocate scarce resources to the most critical gaps and needs.

Clearly define your capacity gaps and most critical resource requirements.
• Reduce risks where possible, and prepare contingency plans where necessary.
• Think about the long term future of the project, including how you will ensure sustainability of your project’s targets and impacts. 

The scope of planning influenced by the dimensions of time, space, and technical level of planning. These three dimensions interact. Each dimension is the following sources:
1.       Planning the time dimension
a.       Long-term planning
b.      Medium-term planning
c.       Short-term planning
2.       Planning the social dimension
a.       National planning
b.      Regional planning
c.       Spatial planning
3.       Planning dimensional planning level
a.       Macro planning
b.      Micro planning
c.       Sectoral planning
d.      Region planning
e.      Planning the project
4.       Planning type of dimension
a.       Planning from top to bottom
b.      Planning from the bottom up
c.       Planning for the attack to the side
d.      Landscape planning
e.      Planning up top-down and bottom combined

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